Finding solutions for mom and dad's problems

I love how helpful children can be.

One recent evening while we were in our car, I complained to my husband that I haven’t accomplished all I’ hoped I would by this point in the year. By now, I had hoped to put the finishing touches on our master bathroom, which had been repainted. I wanted to get ahead with my writing projects, and I wanted to start volunteering somewhere in the community. I’ve done none of that, and I have only myself to blame, I told him. I haven’t been as disciplined as I should be.

My daughter, listening in the back seat of the car, said, “Hey, Mom, I could make you a chart that you can look at to see what you need to get done every day.”

Isn’t that sweet?

That’s not the first time she’s offered a solution for me. A few months ago, she overheard me telling my husband that I wanted a way to keep track of my daily tasks at work so I could make sure I do them all. A few days later, she gave me a “notebook” she’d made so I could “check off stuff at work.” She even taped a pen to the corner. It wasn’t practical for what I needed, but I still appreciate her effort.

And I know my daughter isn’t unique. She wanted to help because she sensed I was not happy, with myself in the first case and with my workload in the second. No young child likes to see his or her parent unhappy.

I remember doing something similar when I was a kid. After hearing my mom and dad complain about the cost of the electric bill, I tried to think up ways to save energy. I don’t remember actually implementing any practices, but now, looking back, I also understand that our family was never really in danger of the electricity being cut off. Mom and Dad were just bemoaning the rising costs. But it felt like a big deal to me, so I looked for a solution.

And one day, I’m sure my daughter, too, will learn the difference between the situations my husband and I bellyache about and those that really stress us out. In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy seeing how empathetic she can be.

I am so thankful she is who she is.


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