Getting fit after pregnancy: Always easier said than done

Losing weight after pregnancy.
Photo by Chance Agrella via FreeRange
My sister and I went to a consignment sale Thursday to pick up some deals on kids' clothes and other items.

After picking up a school desk, a sweater, a few shirts and a pair of Capri pants for my daughter, I was done shopping and started wandering through the DVDs. One caught my eye. It was called, "Mama Wants Her Body Back."

"Here's something for us," I said to my sis, who had a baby boy in April and feels frustrated that some of the extra pounds are still hanging around.

Like her, I also have yet to get back to my pre-baby weight, only for me, it's been nearly five years, not four months since my child was born.

"Yep, that's what we need," she said.

"You'll notice," I added, "that it's still in the shrink wrap."

We both laughed because we totally get it. We know why the previous owner of that DVD bought it in the first place, and we know all too well how easy it is to put off exercise because of mommy duties, the hassles of work and all the house cleaning that needs to be done. Next thing you know, you come across the DVD while you're clearing out a cabinet, and you think, "Oh yeah. I was going to work out. I can either do them now, or I can sell the DVD for a buck or two."

By my estimates, I've started a diet and exercise plan 59 times in my daughter's lifetime, roughly one a month. Most last only a few days, but every now and then, I'm able to stick it out for a whole week. I know why I give up as easily as I do. Motherhood is a busy-ness I couldn't imagine beforehand, and even after nearly five years of it, I'm no better at making time to exercise than I was the day we got home with our bundle of joy.

I know it's doable. I am in awe of every woman I know who has done it. My mom got back in her skinny jeans post-baby ... five times! My older sister did, too, and then there's all my friends who have lost the baby weight. So I know I can. I just don't understand why I don't.

I want to be healthier. I need it. I'll be in my late 50s when my daughter graduates high school and I'll be in my 60s when she graduates college. If I want to be at her graduation in person and not just watching via the internet, I gotta make some changes.

So here I am, hoping the 60th time is a charm.


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