She Pulled a Ninja Trick: A Tale from an Old New Dad

Another guest post from my husband. He likes to talk about our girl as much as I do. :)

Our sneaky little girl and I get to share our Sundays alone together as my wife works that day each week. My wife and I have divided household chores, and the weekly laundry, which I also try to get done on Sundays, is one of mine.

On a recent Sunday evening, I went into the garage to change loads in the machines. I came back in from the garage, closed the door and turned out the dining room light before proceeding back into the living room. I was surprised to find that my daughter was not in the living room as I walked into the room. I glanced down the hallway to confirm that all of the rooms on that end of the house had closed doors. All of them did, except for our bedroom.

I smiled to myself and called to my daughter to get back out in the living room where I could see her. To my surprise, she immediately came to me from the dining room -- the opposite direction from where I expected -- looking innocent. She had been bent over her toy box trying to reach a toy at the bottom, and I'd walked right past her without noticing her after I'd turned out the dining room light.

Keeping up with a newly mobile toddler can be challenging.

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