Her First Laugh

This morning, my daughter woke up whiny. Well, she wasn't completely awake yet, just enough to whine every little bit.

I tried soothing her some, but it didn't work, so, because I wasn't ready to get up myself yet, I just put her in bed with me. She settled right down and drifted back off into dreamland. Within a couple of minutes, she smiled in her sleep for about 30 seconds. After another five minutes, she laughed in her sleep for a little bit.

As I watched her wondering what in her dream was making her laugh, I remembered the first time I saw her laugh. Just like this moment, she was asleep in my arm, and she was just 4 days old. Then, too, I wondered what was funny to her, only back then, at only 4 days old, she had a lot less to draw from, but she apparently already had a sense of humor.

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